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sMAP: Standard Microarray Analysis Pipeline App

An R Shiny educational app to guide users through an interactive transcriptomics pipeline

sMAP Web Tool Github

sMAP was made to help users understand a standard transcriptomics pipeline by taking them through the steps of microarray analysis. sMAP has an interactive user interface where users upload a GEO dataset and explore functions for quality control, statistical analysis, and functional analysis to find potential biomarkers. sMAP’s development team was brought together via STEM-Away, a platform for virtual internships. Our team is made up of participants in STEM-Away’s bioinformatics pathway who wanted to challenge themselves by taking on the R Shiny App project. We organized our team into five groups, respectively in charge of developing code for the transcriptomics pipeline, implementing code in R Shiny, formatting the layout of the R Shiny App, managing GitHub and code documentation, and producing this GitHub page and our documentation site. For furthur information about STEM-Away, please refer to the links below.